With D-750 (named after a highway in Ankara), I bring together a screenshot of a gas station acquired with Google Street View (captured in 2014) with another photograph of the same place taken with a medium format film camera by me in 2018. The unity of the two images captured in different times (within a lenticular print), for different purposes, but from the same point of view probes the act of photographing while also offering a conceptual perspective on two separate timelines thus share a common spatial plane. In the last days of 2022 this abandoned place became functional again as a brand new gas station. But under the surface structural elements of the old building are still there. I'll visit here in 2024 again.
The work was exhibited in Printed 19: Multiple Choice at Mixer Gallery in June 2019 and also exhibited in Planetary Dysphoria at Art Elsewhere, London in November 2019.